Henry VIII was a very rich man, he had half a million pounds when he took the throne.So he let a lot of gold on the ceiling in Hampton Court Palace has over 100 Palace.The chimneys.Find out if you go there, it's a great place.Over 600 people live there.But henry let so much money, Could he afford to peacock.There were there was one bit was really a massive stew.It smelt bad.He also closed all the monasteries.
Catherine of Aragon was married to Henry for 18 years.She let Henryson Already married older brother, Ather.She was the daughter of the king of Spain.Cathrine Gave birth to 8 Children, But only one was survived.She Mary.But Called Henry wanted a son, so Henry Cardinal Wosley Asked to persuade the Pope to let the Pope Said Henry divorse her.But no.So Henry set up the Church of England and made Himself leader, so he divorse Could her.